Thanks, Greg. As a newling to Medium it’s good to get some sober facts about the MPP from seasoned writers like yourself. It sounded all too good to be true. It’s great, too, that you can voice your frustration on a platform like this and have your fans and followers rally around you.
@Natalie Frank, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology)
There are definitely “fake” writers (bots) marauding on Medium. I have about 10 of them as followers. All with the same characteristics. Well-written divisive/emotional posts with the same format. They have many followers but no interaction with responses, not one! No profile, no start date. Mine have been around since February. Same type of photo and just one or two posts. And naturally, they’re in the MPP. Check some of your followers.
I’ve mentioned this a few times and I hope Medium are aware of this and do something about it.