Sylvia Wohlfarth
1 min readMay 1, 2020


What a powerful comparison and oh so frighteningly true.

Didn’t Orson Welles cause a pandemonium and hysteria when he broadcasted the story on the radio in the 30s as fake news?

I never read the HG Wells‘ book — now’s the right time I guess — but listened to and loved the version read by Richard Burton. I had a tape (1978) I used to listen to in the car on my way to work and back . Somehow I lost it and reading your post prompted me to search the internet and I found a version with some Jeff Wayne music in the background but without the songs, fortunately. So I’ll be listening to it this weekend.

Thank you Meg for this and for your thought-provoking post…and as always, for putting so much effort and time into sustaining your publication. It’s one of the most valuable ones on Medium. Where else could we frustrated and worried writers go?

I wish you strength, especially in these difficult times.

Keep healthy and safe




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